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Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common disorder that affects the large intestine.

What Is IBS?

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a bowel disorder that goes hand in hand with digestive issues and other unpleasant symptoms. Diarrhea or constipation often alternate as symptoms for some of those with this condition, while many will find that one is more frequent. 1 in 5 people suffer from IBS.

Psychiatric symptoms can occur as well, including depression and anxiety.


IBS can manifest following an infection, the use of an antibiotic, a stressful life event, or simply coincide with aging when no other medical issues are present. While most patients do not find that IBS leads to more serious conditions, it is a source of disharmony due to the unpleasant symptoms.


Because the diagnosis of IBS is based solely on symptoms, there is no conclusive test to confirm or diagnose the condition. Our approach is to take a look at food sensitivities, especially when it comes to dairy, wheat, corn and soy, the most common food allergies/sensitivities. If a sensitivity or allergy is discovered, we then work with our patients to create a diet plan that eliminates these triggers from his or her diet.


  • A change in bowel habits

  • Urgency for bowel movements

  • Feeling of incomplete evacuation (tenesmus)

  •  Bloating

  •  Abdominal distention

People with IBS often also have a condition known a  gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) and are
more at risk for other symptoms and issues relating to the genitourinary system as well, such as:


  •  Urinary tract infections

  •  Chronic fatigue syndrome

  •  Fibromyalgia

  •  Headache

  • Backache


Overall, we find that steering patients away from an inflammatory diet that includes fried foods, sugar, processed foods and additives and encouraging a diet that consists mainly of healthy fats, lean proteins, fruits and vegetables allows healing to begin. We also encourage patients to reduce or eliminate the use of anti-inflammatory medications, since these tend to cause an imbalance of intestinal bacteria (also known as dysbiosis). Some medications, such as Naproxen, have even been linked to a condition known as “Leaky Gut Syndrome,” or damage to the intestinal lining.


To determine if dysbiosis exists, we examine a patient’s stool samples and assess the overall health of the gastrointestinal tract. When necessary, we offer enzymes or probiotic supplements to improve metabolism and repair overall intestinal health.

If you feel that you are suffering from IBS or would like to learn more about any of the services offered at Distinct Health Solutions, contact us today by completing the form below or call us directly at (970) 218-0980, to schedule an appointment or consultation with Distinct Health Solutions.

Contact Us About IBS Treatment

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